Vedic Astrology for Stock Market
10 Days Course for Serious Traders & Investors
This program is only for serious traders or Investors, who want to learn Vedic Astrology for the Stock & Commodity Market. but I would like to tell you here that this is a very complicated topic, and you will have to work harder than me to understand it
Yes, we provide each class recording, but to understand deeply be here.
1. Investors
2. Celestial Phenomena
3. Combinations for Riches
4. Propitous Moments
5. Portrayal of Houses, Signs, and Constellations in Mundane Affairs
6. Significance Of Planets in Business
7. Importance of Aspects in Terrestrial Matters
8. Market's Directions By Navamsa Signs
9. Typical Factors of Short and Long Trends
10. Eclipses: Major Determinants of Market's Tendencies
11. Role of Solar Ingress in Commercial Activities
12. Relevance Of Sarvatobhadra Chakra
13. Impact of Planet's Retrogressions and Heliacal Settings/ Risings
14. Judging Company's Status Through Celestial Houses
15. The Precepts and a few Notable Events